Chick fil a everyone has a story rita pierson
Chick fil a everyone has a story rita pierson

chick fil a everyone has a story rita pierson

When a woman who is naturally blonde or naturally thin is applogizing for it, it seems to me as if something his gone wrong here. No woman should feel ashamed of the way they look or what they wear, but I often feel as if perhaps this has spun slightly out of control in some aspects.

chick fil a everyone has a story rita pierson

I understand that with conventional beauty standards it is important to instill in women and girls that there is more to body comfort and beauty that what the media dictates, because truth is, women of all shapes, sizes, ages, colors, and “styles” are beautiful and that wider realm of beauty and comfort should be encouraged to flourish and grow. As a woman unashamed of her breast implants, as well as her buff, beautiful bod, she asked:


My favorite sex- worker-blogger, Renegade Evolution, a bee in the bonnet of old-school radical feminists, posed a series of sensible and interesting questions in a sensible and interesting post. Good Lord, sports fans! It's getting ugly over there at Feministe. Left: African Daisy Mandala by Susan Warner

Chick fil a everyone has a story rita pierson